Thousand of combination artistic flower ready to make your phone stand out from the crowd. This beautiful flowers live wallpaper come with several flower, background pattern, color, and so many options that you can choose from.♥ Flowers ♥There are five kind of flower. You can enable/disable each of these flower and choose their COLOR, falling DIRECTION, SPEED, OPACITY, SIZE, ROTATION MODE, ROTATION SPEED, AMOUNT. To make it more colorful, you can choose MIXED COLOR so that your phone will randomly assign color to these flowers. Now you can also enable COLOR VARIATION and GLOWING effect on flower. Now you can also choose what ANIMATION STYLE of these flowers. Control how these flowers appears and disappear from the screen.
♥ Background ♥You can choose background color, color gradient mode, pattern, pattern color, and pattern opacity. What interesting is you can choose dynamic color for your pattern. Color of your pattern will change over time. Now, you can have aurora as background color mode that change over time as well.
♥ Custom Background ♥Aside from built in pattern, you can choose image from your phone storage to work as background pattern. You can set color, opacity, and background color mode to create a unique effect.
♥ Customization ♥With many combination of beautiful flowers, patterns, color, and other options you can add your own unique live wallpaper. Not sure what's the best combination? Try to randomize these options on your live wallpaper setting. You can put a randomize shortcut on home screen so you can immediately change you live wallpaper just in one touch.
♥ Feature ♥- Custom background- Original Artwork- 5 flowers type- 3 flowers animation style- 11 flowers color options- 5 patterns- 12 patterns color options- 10 background color options- 4 background color mode (solid,dark,light,aurora)- 10 growing position options (pattern,circle,heart,stripe,wave,etc)- Bunch of other options (size,opacity,speed,rotation,etc)- Thousand of combination you can have- Glowing effect (with uncolorized flowers options)- Randomize shortcut- 3 Glitter style
- Smooth parallax effect- Smooth animation- Portrait and landscape support- MoveToSD support- Touch interactivity- Randomize setting
If you like beautiful flowers, then this would be the best flowers live wallpaper for you =)
To open and setting up your live wallpaper: Home-> Press menu-> wallpapers-> Live Wallpapers.